BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 18 — An average of more than 100 civilians per day were killed in Iraq last month, the highest monthly tally of violent deaths since the fall of Baghdad, the United Nations reported today. [...]
United Nations officials also said that the number of violent deaths had been steadily increasing since at least last summer. In the first six months of this year, the civilian death toll jumped more than 77 percent, from 1,778 in January to 3,149 in June, the organization said.This sharp upward trend reflected the dire security situation in Iraq as sectarian violence has worsened and Iraqi and American government forces have been powerless to stop it. [...]
The Iraqi Islamic Party, a Sunni Arab organization, urged the country “to be wise and rational instead of drifting into the abyss,” and it called upon the country’s political and religious leaders to meet and discuss ways “to lead Iraq out of this dark tunnel.”
“God knows what comes next,” the statement said. [...]
In its report, the United Nations said that 14,338 civilians had died violently in Iraq in the first six months of the year. [...]
Last month, The Los Angeles Times, drawing from statistics provided by the Ministry of Health and the Baghdad morgue among other agencies, reported that at least 50,000 people, and perhaps many more, had been killed since the invasion.
The article said that while most of those victims were civilians, they probably also included some security forces and insurgents. But the newspaper did not offer month-by-month breakdowns. [...]
According to the United Nations’ tallies, 1,778 civilians were killed in January, 2,165 in February, 2,378 in March, 2,284 in April, 2,669 in May and 3,149 in June.
The totals represent an enormous increase over figures published by media organizations and by nongovernmental organizations that track these trends. [The New York Times: Over 3,000 Iraqi Civilians Killed in June, U.N. Reports]
Препорака, за гледање, на оваа тема: Долината на волците: Ирак - контроверзен турски филм во кој се застапени неколку воени злосторства кои ги вршат „миротворците“. Приказната е типчна сапуница (самиот филм е правен според сапунска серија), но работите ги прикажува од сосема друг агол.. филмот не го препорачувам на гадливи луѓе - има крв, месо и органи.